
Podcasts With Sarah Koenig

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Serial’s creator on podcasting, ten years on

August 26, 2024
Duration: 00:05:58

This is sponsored by Smart Money Happy Hour. Two friends — who happen to be money experts — talk pop culture and personal finance over a new budget-friendly cocktail each week. Catch Rachel Cruze and George Kamel in the latest video podcast from Ramsey Network, Smart Money Happy Hour.

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Serial’s creator on podcasting, ten years on

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Listen to Podcasting Business School — 500+ episodes focused on helping coaches & service providers learn how to grow their podcast, get more clients, and build their online business. Solo episodes on Tuesday and Podcast Audits on Friday.

Podcasting for Business Book: Free Ticket Offer! — If you want a podcast that creates a real bottom-line difference in your business, then you need to read this book. Pre-order today and get a free ticket to the Podcasting for Business Conference!

Listen to all Podcast Movement Sessions! — Podcast Movement 2024 just wrapped up, and it was amazing! Now's your chance to buy the virtual ticket and listen to all sessions recordings in the coming days. Prices will go up once they're live!

The Tech Stuff

Apple Podcasts

  • Above – what a request from the Apple Podcasts web player looks like, as seen by OP3. The user-agent looks like a browser; but the “referer” header makes it clear that this is coming from Apple Podcasts. Many podcast hosting companies (Ausha, Buzzsprout, Spreaker, Captivate and Transistor), and OP3, are using the referer to count these as Apple Podcasts downloads.
  • We still don’t know how Apple Podcasts Connect sees plays on the Apple Podcasts web player. Spotify says that plays on their embedded player only count if a user is logged-in; and we would expect that to be the same in Apple Podcasts for the web. Would anyone like to test this theory?
  • Programming podcast things in Rust? The v4v crate might help, with a splits calculation function and Alby API tools.
  • A new symbol for the fediverse has been proposed. The symbol is ⁂ and we like it, so you’ll find that on our website we’ve switched out the impractical old multi-coloured logo thing, and/or the Mastodon logo, to this instead. You can follow us there, by the way: @[email protected]
  • Audiobookshelf is a self-hosted audiobook and podcast server.

Tips and tricks

Podcast News

  • New, with Airwave: Curated by Chance is a podcast where creativity meets serendipity. Each episode, filmmaker Neal E. Fischer and art curator Lauren Tagliaferro harness the power of a randomizing algorithm named Chance to generate unique prompts that drive their discussions, inviting listeners to ponder the influence of chance in the creative process.

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